
Your Starting Point

I just want to take some time to recommend a good book...

That book is called "Your Starting Point For Student Success", written by a good friend of mine, Arel Moodie. I first met him at a conference in Los Angeles last December, and he's one really impressive guy. He and his buddy started an off-campus housing locator business in college, he's been featured in a few publications and best selling books as a young entrepreneur, and he's one of the top college speakers in the county. In fact, he's known as "America's Top Young Speaker".

Now he's written his own book. And believe me, it's worth your time! His book "Your Starting Point..." is a book written for high school and college students. He discusses his "Five Pillars of Success" that you need to be successful in school and in life. In fact, I recommend this book to not only students in high school and college, but students of life (which is everyone).

Feel free to read the review I left for his book in Amazon. You can really see how much I really believe in it.

But to make things short, a lot of the stuff Arel discusses in this book are actual no-BS content that you can apply. From reading, learning, and being immersed as a student of self-improvement, I consider myself an expert on that field. And, even I came out extremely fulfilled after reading the book. Plus, he managed to infuse his own fun personality in this book, which made it really fun and very easy to read. I'm as dyslexic as it gets, and I finished this book in a little over a couple of hours.

But, don't take my word for it. I'll let Arel himself tell you about his book...

School is starting soon, so go ahead and get his book by searching for it at Amazon.com or at his website at yourstartingpointonline.com. While you're at it, as a complimentary supplement, don't forget to get "It All Starts With You" and "You Are Awesome" as well (feel free to also click the books to the left).


Me with Arel in at the APCA Student Leadership Conference in NYC in July 2009 (not sure why my mouth was open)

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